Alexander Sabantsev
I am Alexander, I am an expert in Chinese marketing and a sinologist. Author of blog articles ChinaDigital, Reddit, Medium.
  • windy city 12 october 2023, 23:21(Comment was edited) #
    Dear Sir
    We are a Hollywood based commercial production house with an interest in producing (MINI SERIES) entertainment for the QQ platform and/or a collaboration with CHINESE PRODUCERS and would like to seek your expert advice. We are currently in development:

    «Shanghai Cinderella» Romantic Comedy / Drama
    «Letters from Shanghai» Drama based on a true story
    «Tiger Pilot» Action/Drama based on true events
    «The Perfect Fit» Italian drama/romantic comedy based on Italian hand made fashion and style

    Kurt Paul MacCarley
    4470 Sunset Blvd. #794
    Los Angeles, CA 90027
    1. Brett 02 september 2024, 20:31 #
      Special thanks to Henryclarkethicalhacker @ gmail com for exposing my cheating husband. Right with me I got a lot of evidences and proofs that shows that my husband is a f*** boy and as well a cheater ranging from his text messages, call logs, WhatsApp messages, deleted messages and many more, All thanks to Henryclarkethicalhacker @ gmail com, if not for him I will never know what has been going on for a long time. Contact him now and thank me later. Stay safe.
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