
WeChat VS Weixin

Today, WeChat is the most famous Chinese social network in the world, representing a comprehensive ecosystem of diverse services with a user base of 1.3 billion users who use WeChat for various purposes on both IOS and Android devices.

Published: 3 August 2023
5 reasons for the popularity of WeChat

Foreign companies interested in entering the Chinese market are curious about why WeChat is so popular in China. After all, this is just another messenger? Far from it!

Published: 13 January 2023
Using WeChat for Business

Since the end of 2018, WeChat has more than 1 billion users from mainland China.

Published: 6 January 2023
How to verify and unblock a WeChat account in 2022? [Working Methods from ChinaDigital]

It often happens: you register your WeChat account and start using it actively, and the next day your account is suspended for an unclear reason like “excessive activity”, “violation of the rules”, and so on. This is quite common and often directly caused by Chinese censorship and not by any real violations of social media rules.

Published: 23 December 2022
Opportunities of WeChat as a Social CRM

This article tells you about using WeChat as a social CRM system. How to interact with Chinese WeChat users effectively.

Published: 25 November 2022